Business and groups

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Are you looking to generate new dynamics in your company?
Or maybe are you looking for an incentive for your work group?

We have exclusive adventure activities for you at Zenith Aventura.


Business groups and incentives

We take advantage of the natural environment of Àger to create a new group experience. Our activities are perfect to generate connections and creative approaches. You will find many possibilities: nature, astronomy, kayak in Mont-Rebei, adventure sports, local gastronomy, cultural sights, wine tasting, etc.

We have the experience and the ability to organize multi adventure activities for many participants.

Contact us and we will create your own personalized experience!


Team Building for companies

How can an adventure activity help your team on usual tasks? Stressful situations controlled by Zenith Aventura will help you to develop leadership skills.

The idea is to put the participants of the Team Building activity in situations which allow our coach to observe the group reactions and evaluate its responses when making decisions, delegating tasks and leadership roles. The conclusions, shared in the final task, will help the team on their usual tasks.

Find out more of our proposal for companies by contacting our coach!

How can we help you out?
